Mission Offerings

For more information on these offerings and activities, contact the Church Office at 864-998-3157.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions®

The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® is much more than an offering envelope and an annual missions-giving emphasis. When people give to the offering, 100 percent of their gift will be transformed into missionary salaries and ministry supplies. Those missionaries and supplies will help others hear the message of Christ and respond in faith to His offer of salvation. Time and again our missionaries relate how the offering is their lifeblood. They know that behind each penny given, there is a Southern Baptist who believes in what they do and are affirming the need to equip them to share the gospel with those who need a Savior.


World Hunger Offering

Sunday, October 12, 2014

All money collected through the World Hunger Fund is used to feed hungry people around the world and share the “Bread of Life” with those who hunger for the good news of salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ. 

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love. Since 1993, more than 100 million shoe boxes have been packed, shipped, and delivered across the globe. People of all ages can be involved in this simple, hands-on missions project while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas—Jesus Christ.

National Collection Week is November 17-24, 2014.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions®

Southern Baptist churches collect the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® for the sole purpose of supporting international missions. Every penny of the offering goes to the International Mission Board’s overseas budget, thus supporting our missionaries and their work.